What is TON Blockchain ?


TON Blockchain was developed by Pavel Durov and his team of engineers from 2017, after the success of the Telegram messaging application. Initially the project was called Telegram Open Network, then renamed to TON - The Open Network to demonstrate a broader vision.

The core technology of TON Blockchain includes a new consensus algorithm that is fast and scalable up to millions of transactions per second. It is built on a sharded architecture, dividing the blockchain into many shards to process in parallel. TON also supports smart contracts through the TON programming language.

In addition, TON Blockchain also integrates the Gram Wallet e-wallet by default, allowing users to easily store and transfer the Gram cryptocurrency. This platform promises to open up many interesting applications in the future based on its advanced blockchain technology.

So, TON Blockchain is truly a very ambitious project, with the potential to become the next generation blockchain with high speed, good scalability and attractive features.

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